The tools you need to work with the Earthstone range of products are almost identical to those that you use with normal laminates.
The only specialist tool that you will need for this product is a random orbital sander. Belt sanders should be avoided.
Recommended Installation Tools needed:
Hand Held Circular Saw
Hand Router
Hand Plane
Random Orbital Sander
180 grit sanding discs – included in installation kit
240 grit sanding discs – included in installation kit
Scotchbrite Pad – included in installation kit
Palm Sander
Electric Drill
10mm Spanner
Mitre Jig
Edge/Profile Trimmer
Edge Clamps - ‘A’ type clamps are used to apply edging, ‘G’ type to secure jigs to the worksurface. 3 Way clamps for curved edges.
Cleaning Solvent – included in installation kit
Seam Adhesive - 50ml cartridges
Applicator gun with mixer tips also required
Silicone Sealant
Aluminium Tape
Fibre Reinforced Tape
Jointing Bolts and Biscuits – biscuit joints included in installation kit
Finishing Polish and Cloth – Countertop Magic Polish is included in installation kit
It is necessary to allow Earthstone worktops to acclimatize, please allow the worksurfaces, splashbacks, upstands and adhesives temperature to reach room temperature prior to installation.
Do not carry the Earthstone worktops flat, hold the worktop vertically along the width when carrying manually. Please ensure you have enough manpower onsite.
It is very important to plan the positioning of the joints, sink, hob or other appliance cut-outs.
Do not extend joints across any hob or sink cut-outs and avoid forming joints over heat radiating appliances e.g. dishwashers, tumble driers or washing machines.
A moisture resistant barrier has been applied to the underside of all Earthstone worktops, however additional protection above dishwashers and washing machines is recommended.
Apply a 50mm wide bead of clear silicone sealant to the underside of the front edge of the worksurface.
Earthstone worksurfaces must always be stored face up, flat and supported on batons every 1000m, starting 100mm in from both ends. Ensure the storage facility is ventilated, dry, enclosed and at a recommended temperature of 18°C.
The worksurfaces can be stored vertically on the back long edge for short periods during installation.
Colour Tolerance:
Check all components prior to installation; although Earthstone worktops are manufactured to strict colour tolerance lightly sand a small area of each worksurface using a fine Scotchbrite pad. Clean off any dust and compare colours. Please contact your supplier if there is a colour variance.
Important Notes:
Make sure you have all the tools recommended for installing Earthstone worktops
Plan out your installation – cuts, joints, appliances and sink positioning
Bring the Earthstone worktops to room temperature prior to installation; or the recommended temperature of 18°C.
Store the product correctly
Check for colour variance before cutting the and installation
Top Tip: Any excess material recovered from a cut out should be placed underneath the units or plinths for use in any future repair work. This will ensure an exact colour match and eliminate any colour variance from another batch.
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