Freestanding Fridge Freezers For Sale

Freestanding Fridge Freezers

As mentioned on the Integrated Fridge Freezers page; a Fridge Freezer is the combination of both a fridge and freezer in one singular unit. Its main purpose, other than keeping food fresh for as long as possible, is to take up as little space as possible and to keep all your grocery items in order and together.


The Freestanding Fridge Freezer is the counterpart of the Integrated Fridge Freezer, as instead of being built into your kitchen it is not attached to anything. It either stands against a wall or slides into place next to some cabinets. It is also the more common of the two types of Fridge Freezers.


Fridge Freezers come in a variety of different configurations, with the freezer either being at the top or bottom of the appliance or with the fridge and freezer side by side, or even one with French doors and the freezer placed at the bottom. For optimal space saving, the stack design of having the freezer either on top or placed at the bottom of the fridge is best. For those who need or want a roomy fridge freezer, the side-by-side doors would be the top option.


The Freestanding refrigerators come in full-depth models that will extend past that of your kitchen units, or in 24-inch models that have been made to not exceed your cabinets.


The style of the Integrated Fridge Freezers only suite a select few themes and designs of kitchens whereas the Freestanding Fridge Freezer fits many. The tall larder Fridge Freezers – usually with a water dispenser – match well for modern homes, especially with a silver or black shell. Some Fridge Freezers even come with the option of touch screen controls to optimise the effectiveness of the cooling system by displaying the temperature of the fridge and the freezer and having the option to change it as well as showing the time.  Smeg offers a couple Fridge Freezers that come in an array of different colours such as pink, cream, blue, orange, red, etc. This Fridge Freezer has rounded corners and the handle has a hinge; this falls into the Retro theme category as well as into eclectic design. Short, under the counter Fridge Freezers are ideal for bar areas and for smaller rooms where less space is available.


Freestanding Fridge Freezers can be looked at as an investment item due to the fact that it can move with you and be placed anywhere it can fit in, provided there is an electric outlet of course. They are also more cost effective than the Integrated Fridge Freezers and can be a DIY project as no electrician or specialist is needed for the job.


The disadvantage of having a Freestanding Fridge Freezer is that they tend to have shorter life spans than that of their counterparts, although they can last a long time with the proper maintenance and correct care. If your home is not designed with the space of Fridge Freezer in mind, it might also have to be placed far from the cooking area.

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